After years of searching, Aviation Heritage Park has received official word from the National Museum of the Air Force in Dayton, Ohio that our request for a UH-1 has been confirmed.

Helicopters of the 170th and the 189th Helicopter Assault Companies, await the leading of troops at Polei Kleng, in the Central Highlands of the Republic of South Vietnam., 04/10/1969
The park is approved to receive a UH-1 “Huey” helicopter as the next artifact. The process to retrieve one from the “Boneyard” at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona has begun.
After the selection of the air frame, it will be designated as a museum artifact and then demilitarized for civilian release. It’s a long process that could take anywhere from 6 months to three years, according to the acceptance letter. (The park waited two years for the F-111 currently on display).
We are excited that the process has begun! As soon as the air frame is released it will be transported to Bowling Green. That’s when the meticulous restoration process begins. It’s a very expensive proposition and thousands of man-hours will be spent making Bowling Green’s Huey a showpiece worthy of display. As soon as we have more information, we will post an update.